Young children thrive in healthy and secure parent/child attachment relationship. Healthy parent child connections are built through understanding your young child’s needs, cues and responding consistently. Sometimes difficult events such as a parents own childhood, trauma and/or emotional and mental health impact the ability to develop a healthy attachment with a child that is consistent and nurturing.
Child Parent Psychotherapy is a trauma-focused, relationship-based evidenced based treatment for children ages 0–6 and their caregivers that can help families heal and grow after stressful experiences. Stress and trauma that impacts the parent child attachment relationship can be triggered by numerous factors such as significant illness, medical trauma, intimate partner violence, adoption, or even a mismatch in parenting style with the child’s personality.
Child Parent Psychotherapy could be the help you’re looking for to rebuild a positive bond and secure parent child attachment that has been ruptured due to trauma and to help you understand what is normal developmental behavior of young children and support for what’s of concern.
Amanda Justice at Child Therapy Solutions is endorsed by the North Carolina Infant Mental Health Association as an Infant Mental Health Specialist. IMH-E® Endorsement involves a standardized process to determine that a professional has accumulated specialized knowledge and skill in the infant and early childhood field.
Child Therapy Solutions offer mental health support for young children and their parents in North Carolina.
Therapy for Young Children and Their Parents
Babies and young children DO remember events that happened in infancy, but not usually in a way that they can talk to us about. Typically it’s embedded in their physiology and may come out through play behaviors, feeding, relating, or regulatory behaviors. Young children remember traumatic events in their bodies.
Mental health is formed in our earliest days, even before birth. During this period Infants and young children form the foundation for the development of cognitive, emotional and social skills through their relationship with their caregivers. Intervention in the early years creates lasting benefits in the future.